Antica Apicoltura Gallurese is a farm founded in the early 1980s on the unspoiled hills surrounding Berchiddeddu. Characterized by family management, it was born from the founder Dr. Pietro Paolo Porcu's deep passion for bees and their "world"... Discover more
Il miele di lavanda viene prodotto nelle colline della Gallura su pascoli naturali. Concorre alla produzione di questo miele in maniera importante la lavanda selvatica, un piccolo arbusto tipico della flora gallurese, molto aromatico. Questo miele è totalmente diverso dal miele prodotto dalla lavanda coltivata e si distingue dagli altri mieli per il suo alto contenuto di fruttosio che gli consente di cristallizzare molto tardivamente mantenendo per lungo tempo la sua fase liquida. Questa pianta cresce su terreni molto aridi e produce un miele di altissima qualità come attestano i vari riconoscimenti da esso ricevuti.
Il miele millefiori viene prodotto in Gallura su pascoli naturali dove è praticamente inesistente l'insediamento di qualsiasi forma di agricoltura intensiva, inquinamento proveniente da industrie, strade altamente trafficate e addirittura minima la presenza di insediamenti umani. Concorrono alla produzione di questo miele in maniera importante la lavanda selvatica, l’asfodelo, l’erica, il cardo, il trifoglio selvatico, il cisto.
Il nostro miele viene prodotto nelle colline della Gallura su pascoli naturali dove è praticamente inesistente l'insediamento di qualsiasi forma di agricoltura intensiva, inquinamento proveniente da industrie, strade altamente trafficate e addirittura minima la presenza di insediamenti umani. Concorrono alla produzione di questo miele in maniera importante la lavanda selvatica, l’asfodelo, l’erica, il cardo, il trifoglio selvatico, il cisto.
Our wildflower honey is produced in Gallura on natural pastures where there is practically no establishment of any form of intensive agriculture, no pollution from industries, no highly trafficked roads and even minimal human settlements. Wild lavender, asphodel, heather, thistle, wild clover, and cistus all play an important role in the production of this honey. These blossoms develop in the springtime, with a variable prevalence depending on the season, and therefore our millefiori honey has variable colors, starting from a golden yellow to a more amber color. The smell is delicate, slightly fruity of wax. The taste is sweet and the aroma is fine and floral.
Thistle honey is produced in the hills of Gallura on natural pastures. The production of this honey is significantly contributed by the various species of wild thistle present in our territory. These blooms occur in late spring and often, in case of late rains, also at the beginning of summer. For this reason, the honey has a high density and a strong flavor typical of this flowering. It is the most distinctive honey among Sardinian honeys, highly appreciated by customers looking for a honey with a characteristic and unmistakable taste.
Bitter strawberry tree honey is produced in autumn during the flowering of the plant of the same name. This honey is particularly prized because bees are reluctant to forage the strawberry tree flower, but since there are no other blooms during this period in Gallura, the bees are forced to use it. This results in a honey with a bitter taste, traditionally used as a remedy for coughs, to induce sleep, and as an energy food. This honey crystallizes immediately after extraction, so it is only sold in its crystallized state. Its color is light beige. The aroma is aromatic and reminiscent of walnuts. The flavor is strong and pleasantly bitter.
The thistle honey from Antica Apistica Gallurese is produced in the hills of Gallura on natural pastures. Various species of wild thistle present in the region play a key role in its production. These blooms occur in late spring and, often, at the beginning of summer in case of late rains. For this reason, the honey has a high density and a strong flavor typical of this blossom. It is a honey with a very bold taste, characterized by a dark yellow color.
The wildflower honey from Antica Apistica Gallurese is produced in Gallura on natural pastures. Key contributors to its production include wild lavender, asphodel, heather, thistle, wild clover, and rockrose. These blooms primarily occur in the springtime, with variable prevalence depending on the season's conditions, which is why the wildflower honey exhibits varying colors, ranging from golden yellow to a more amber hue. The scent is delicate, slightly fruity with hints of wax. The taste is sweet, and the aroma is fine and floral.