Sirè is a rosé wine made from a selection of the best Cannonau grapes from Tenute Gregu vineyards. The character of Cannonau and the elegant allure of its primary aromas define this rosé, which boasts a vivid and crystal-clear color, intense and warm, with distinct floral fragrances typical of the grape variety.
Isola dei Nuraghi IGT rosé wine, after careful selection of the grapes and soft pressing, fermentation follows at a controlled temperature in stainless steel containers and a brief refinement in bottles
The wine SO CHIC! is the result of a careful selection of the best grapes of the area and a processing in the cellar to create an original and elegant wine. The aromas of small berries of Cannonau create a wonderful rosé experience.
Nasce nel vigneto di Luzzanas da sole uve prodotte nei nostri vigneti, con vendemmia sincrona con la pigiatura. Dopo soffice pressatura e una breve fermentazione delle
bucce nel mosto viene fatto maturare in vasi di acciaio inox, per preservare le
caratteristiche di freschezza e giovinezza, esaltandone gli aromi fruttati e floreali e i
ricordi di erbe aromatiche. Rigorosamente vendemmiato a mano