Light beer belonging to the category of English Ale, slightly alcoholic and hopped. It has a herbaceous and fruity aroma, a light body, bitter but balanced by malt aromas reminiscent of toasted bread. Golden amber in colour, it goes well with fatty meat dishes and fried foods, which allow you to appreciate the notes of hops without overloading their bitterness.
Pozzo 3 è una birra a bassa fermentazione prodotta con castagne di Sardegna e con una sapiente selezione di malti dove il profumo e il gusto delicato della castagna richiamano i sentori del bosco d’autunno.
It's the real, original "Blonde" beer. This type of beer takes its name from the city of Pilsen, a city located in the Bohemian region of the Czech Republic. Beer produced with selected yeasts of low fermentation, a style that is very popular and widespread in several countries. Our brewer wanted to characterize it with a rich and complex aroma, malt scent and a bouquet coming from SAAZ hops. Its color is tending to pale gold with a creamy and thick foam and a pronounced bitterness given by the use of Bohemian hops.